Identification of Suitable Land for Rice Cultivation Using Remote Sensing and Gis In Ethiopia: Gambella Regional State: a Case Study in Gog Woreda

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Addis Ababa University


Ethiopia in the present day is posed with tremendous pressure on the intensive commercialization of agricultural crops and products. Amongst the target commodities that have offered emphasis in promotion of agricultural production, rice is identified as a major crop. The increasing rates of population and demands for food consumptions in the country, perhaps difficult to manage with limited agricultural land resources and outdated system of agricultural production techniques. While it is un-denied tasks to offered immediate attention to the utilization, identification and evaluation of suitable land assessment techniques particularly in the agricultural lands. Geographic Information System (GIS) is a very powerful tool in a wide range of disciplines. Since the peak time of the communication era (early 20th C) the trends of using GIS and remotely sensed imagery have increased dramatically due to several factors. This study is intended to determine suitable land for rice cultivation in Gog Woreda; the Regional State of Gambella using multi-criteria decision schemes through GIS and Remotely Sensed imagery processing. It covers a total area of about 322,273.71ha of 10 Kebels. The required primary data such as Normalized Difference vegetation Index (NDVI), Land use/land cove (LULC), Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Digital elevation Model (DEM) were obtained from SPOT, USGS and ASTER space shuttles satellites respectively. In addition to these; the calibrated meteorological ancillary gridded data of Ethiopia such as annual rainfall and temperature also obtained from the Ethiopian Meteorological Agency. The secondary data such as the soil data that incorporated the soil type, the physical and chemical property of soil was acquired from Gambella regional state land utilization & environmental protections Authority. Weight overlay analysis was applied to classify the study area into four Rice suitable zone classes. Accordingly the result indicated that that 15.8 % the study area is determined as Highly Suitable (HS), 29.5 % of the study area also determined as moderately Suitable (MS), 18 % of the district area also determined as low suitable (LS) and the remain 36 % of the district analyzed as not suitable for rice cultivation.



Cwdi, Dem, Ndvi, Lai, Lst, Vci, Wsvi

