Department of Curriculum and Teachers Professional Development studies Adult and Life Long Learning Program
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of functional
adult literacy program in Addis Ababa. A mixed method was used for the study.
Data was gathered from facilitators, program coordinators and functional adult
literacy program participants' through questionnaire, and focus group
discussions. Appropriate statistical tools, percentage, and mean were used in
order to analyze quantitative data, while narration was used to analyze the
qualitative data.
The findings of the study revealed that though training was given to facilitators
the training given in relation to their duties and responsibilities were insufficient.
The study also showed that the program of functional adult literacy run by NGOs,
the involvement of local government bodies (KEO & sub cities education
officesjwere very low, salaries of facilitators, providing literacy materials and
other tasks also done by NGOs. The participation of local government in the
implementation of the program support were at low level or insignificant
furthermore shortage of facilitator guides, literacy materials, poor educational
facilities, lack of facilitators motivation were the main problem that affect the
effective implementation of functional adult literacy program in Addis Ababa
The effective implementation of functional adult literacy program encounters
serious problems during implementation of the program from local government
implementer of the program. So the above mentioned challenges and constraints
hinder the effective implementation of the program
Hence the researcher suggested that facilitators should be trained with relevant
training. For the success of FAL program government should give much attention
to adults and the work hand in hand with NGO's and the communities of Addis
Curriculum and Teachers Professional Development