An Assessment of the Implementation of the Standards Set by the Current Education and Training Policy for Primary Education in Private Primary Schools in Addis Ababa City Government
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Addis Ababa University
The l/1(1in purpOSI! o,/this .I'tuc(\· \llCiS to investigate the implementation o,/the primary education standards in
private primm)' chools in Addis Ahaba 'ity Governmei7l. In view o/this objecti\·e. an altempt was made
on how /01' the approl'ed curriculum and the other prescribed primary education standard. were being
implemented in the privately owned primcuy schools.
The study was carried out by using a descriptive survey research method. In so doing, 25 private primwy
schools were selected/i'om fOllr sampled sub-cities hased on the student population in each of the schools.
As far a the compo it ions of respondents are concerned 100 teachers, 25 school prinCipals and 12
supervisors were selected for the study. The analysis was made based on the responses obtained from 94
(9';%) teacher. 23 (92%) principals and 12 (100%) supervisors. Questionnaire. interview, and
observation were the instruments a/data collection. The data gathered through questionnaire was analyzed
using percentage and. chi-square test statistics.
The ·tudy showed that the private primary schools did not properly lIfilize the intended standard aspect
curricular inputs such as the approved syllabuses, textbooks, teachers' guides and the other recommended
instructional materials Fom the center. In addition. failure of the private primary schools in implementing
the pre-determined curricular requirements such as the specific subjects to be taught, their language 0/
instruction and the time allolled /0 them, was. also found to be against the primOly education standard
guideline of the MoE and the CEB.
When viewed from the standard set by MoE and the CEB, the academic qualification Q( the teachers and
the prinCipals in the private primary schools was found to be enough or more for the level under study.
However. in most of the schools the absence of adequate professional training both by the teachers and the
principals was a persistent problem that hinders the schools to properly follow and implement the desired
qualification requirement of the said professionals.
Further more; the sludy had revealed that most of the schools were ill-equipped with the desired minimum
conditions and requirements Q( the primm:)1 school physical and learning /acilities. Moreover. ParentTeacher
Association (PTA) and In - school Teachers Association/commitfee who are supposed to have a
prominent role in school leadership and management were not yet established in most Q( the schools.
Similarly, the promotion policy being practiced by the majority of the private primm)! schools was not in
compliance with promotion poiicy guideline of the MoE and Ihe CEB.
Finally. so as to ensure full compliance and observance of the specified curricular and other prescribed
standards as per the approved primQ/y education ·tandard guideline, Ihe paper recommends among other
things, that the target private primary schools to be prOVided with frequent professional support.
Concurrently il is also recommended thaI the City Government a/Addis Ababa Education Bureau he/' to
strengthen its educational supervision and inspection services.
Standards Set by the Current Education