The Perception of Prospective Teachers, Teacher Educators and College Officials towards Utilization of Awngi As Medium of Instruction at Debre Markos College of Teacher Education

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of thi ' study was to investigate the perceptioll of prospective Teachers, Teacher Educators and College Officials to'ward" IItilization of Awngi as medium of instruction at Debre Marko ollege of Teacher Education. The status quo of aw(/reness created, affitude developed, opportunity provided and challenge facing the program were emphasis areas of the study. To achieve this end, the descriptive survey method was employed. Prospective Teachers of diploma program who were affending teacher education in Awngi, Teacher Educators and College Officials were used as source of data. Having determined this, stratified random sampling technique was used to draw proportional unit of trainees from each department and 49.17% of trainees were selected to respond to the questionnaire. Moreover, simple random sampling technique (lottery method) was used to select trainees to participate in the focus group discussion. Furthermore, simple random sampling technique (loflelY method)e and availability sampling techniques 'were lIsed to select sample Teacher Educaton and ollege Officials respectively. Questionnaire, focus group discussion and interview guides were data collecting instruments used. Data collected through questionnaire were presented, analyzed and inteljJreted using frequency counts and percentage of responses. On the other hand, data secured through focus group discussion and interview 'were analvzed and interpreted qualitatively through descriptive statements and lor explanation. The findings of the study indicated that the majority of Prospective Teachers and Teacher Educators were aware oj the educational, psychological, sociological, linguistic and political significances oj pro~'ision oj Teacher Education in Awngi. They also reacted toward' the advantages 0/ the' program /al'()rably. Prospective teachers who were deprived oj affending primary education il1 Awngi were less aware oj the sign!ficance of the program and reacted towards the benefits of the program unJavorably Jor they did not noticed practically these advantages. Although more oj COs were aware oj educational, linguistic and political advantages of this program, ha(( (~f COs were less aware oj the psychological and sociological benefits oj the program. WhC'n more of COs reacted III fill'or oj educational and linguistic significances oj the program, half of COs reacted towards fJ.sychological, SOCiological and political advantages oj the program discouragingly. Better awareness created and favorable reactions of most of Teacher Educators and Pro.~pective Teachers (milaI'd') the significances oj the program, encouraging support rendered to the program hy ANRSEB, AAZED, the Awngi Unit oj the ('0 llege, l' acher Educators of the Awngi Unit and beffer language skills proficiency oj more of Prospeclive Teacher' were opportunities of the program. I!owever, lack of beforehand prepared curriculum materials, lack of teacher training on holl' to train in Awngi, absence of reference materials in Awngi, poor support oj more of ('Os and other College community members, poor language skills proficiency a.! Teacher Educators in Awngi and lack o.f adaptation of cllrriculum materials to local resources and cullure oj the AWl nation wen? challenges (if the program. At Ihe end, so as to strengthen and maintain the sustainabilify of the program, it wa recommended to raise the awareness of stakeholders toward.') the advantages of the program, to develop language skills proficiency of Teacher Edllcators il1 ifll'l1gi; to prOl ide the required SlIppnrlto the program; to adapt curriculum malerials 10 local nsollrces ami Cllllure of the Awi nation (.Iml to establish and 'Irengthen Teacher Education College in wi Administrative Zone where Prospective Teachers and Teacher Educators crmfetch information that. 'll'C'ngthens the program.



prospective Teachers, Teacher Educators, and College Officials to'ward" IItilization of Awngi as medium
