Assessment of Implementation of TVET Strategy in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study was to asses the implementat ion status of TVET strategy in AA. Thc intantion was to identi fy strengthens and weaknesses seen while implementation of the strategy. To achieve the above and other purposes and object ives or thi s study, a quantitati ve descripti ve survey research method was employed. By proper application 0[' sampling techniques, all necessary participants of thi s study were se lected f"j'om AA city adm ini stration TVET agency, TVET departm ent of sub cit ies, TVET in stitutes, employment organ ization s, and civic assoc iation sons on development and from TVET grad uates not ab le to get employment in th e city. By employini g closed and open ended questionnnaries and semi structured interviews as ap ropriate data gathering instruments fo r this stud y, sign ificant types of data were gathered from 30 TVET officia ls or experts, 50 principals of TVET institutes, 100 trainers, and 150 trai nees of TVET in AA. Other signifi can t data also gathered by document anal ys is. All these data were anal yzed by the simpl est stati sti ca l data anal ys is and expression method, whi ch is percentage. From all thses it becomes clear that, many improvements and some shortages in performance of activities while imp lementation of TVET strategy in AA are become clear. From these we can state th at, understanding of the main implementers of TVET strategy in AA on proper implementation ways of the strategy is significantly improved. As the data ana lys is and interpretation made in th is regard most of them have al l the necessary knowledge and ideas on the proper imp lementation ways of the strategy. The study make all of the folowing activities which are performed fo r the proper implementation of the strategy as establi shment of training in stitutes, mak ing TVET tra ining and its curriculum rel eve nl, job opportunity fo r TVET gradu ates, ex tent of training on practical field work s, contribution ofTVET both for the soc iety members and the nation are improved signifi ca ntly in mant cases. It is possib le to say that in many in stance implementation of the strategy in all these act ivi ty areas is in approprat y status. Apart from these appropriate implementation improvement types of the strategy, the stud y also makes it clear that, some forms of imp lementation act ivit ies of the strategy need improvement for the proper implementation of the strategy and to bring signifi ca nt changes in these rega rd. These are the implementation system of apprenticeship trainin g. quality and qual ifi cation levels ofTVET train ers or techars, tra in ing materials input, the potentioal or capabi lity of training to ab le trainees create th eir own busin ess, and all signifi ca nt types of plan required to be made to enable all TVI:::T grad utes and trainees to create their own business require crucial type imprvement to elTecti velly and effi ciently implement th e strategy. Moreover the payment difference for similar training between the pri vate and government TVET in stitutes and difference in admi ss ion of students at the lower levels of pri vate and government TVET in stitutes are identified as the tVET strategy implementation areas or activ iti es, those looking for proper fo rm 0 [' imprvement. The study winded up by giving most necessa ry recommendations which help 10 so lve the most limlations seen while implementation ofTVET strategy in AA.



