Assessment of Teachers' Performance In Teaching Using Awngi as a Medium of Instruction In The First Cycle of Primary School In Awl Administrative Zone

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Addis Ababa Univerisity


The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of teachers in Awngi medium first cycle primary schools in Awi Zone and suggest possible solutions to the problems that may impede the program. To this end, the research employed a survey descriptive research methodology. The sample consisted of 8 schools two of which were selected from each woreda of the four woredas which were chosen among the five woredas the zone comprises. Simple random method in a lottery system was used to select the sample schools and woredas. Regarding the respondents, 80 teachers and 60 students were drawn from the eight chosen schools using purposive and availability sampling technique and systematic simple random method respectively . The teachers were made to fill in the questinnaire while target group discussion was held for the students. Furthermore, interview was held with selected 15 experts from woreda and zone education offices. The data collated thus were analyzed (quantitatively & qualitatively) using frequency COUnlS, percentages and descriptive phrases. The results obtained thus indicate that assignment of teachers to teach in Awngi without obtaining sufficient training in the language, failure to prepare texts in accordance with the values of the speech community, absence of appropriately skilled experts in the language to provide necessary support to Awngi medium teachers, and absence of reference materials prepared in the language have resulted in bringing about problems that hamper the performance of Awngi medium teachers and eventually entail loss of interest and motivation both in the teachers and students. Based on the findings and conclusions, the study eventually makes recommendations which include establishment of teacher training institution in Awngi and provision of appropriate training for the teachers and supervisors, preparations of texts in accordance with the values of the speech community, s~!Oicient supplementary materials and necessary manuals in the language .



