The Practises of Teaching Portfolio in Professional Development in Some Selected Second Cycle Primary Schools Of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The main jJ1II1Jose of this study was to assess the practices of teaching portfolios 111
professional development of second cycle primary schools of Addis Ababa. Portfolios have
received a great deal attention in educational process these days as they can document
teachers' participations in CPD and quality improvements in the class room. However, their
importance is realized only when portfolios are effectively and properly developed Teaching
portfolio is a recent innovation in Ethiopia and it need~ to be assessed how it has been
managed at schoollevel.To accomplish the purpose, the descriptive survey method was used
Data were generated through questionnaire from 84 teachers in six schaals at six sub-cities,
through interviews with 3 kebele educatian team leaders, 3 sub-cities educatian autharities, 3
prinCipals and 3 vice principals, by facus graup discuss ian with 8 key teachers and also. pam
document analysis. The data abtained were described quantitatively and qualitatively with the
help of the available literatures in the study. The data obtained through these instruments
have been analyzed and interpreted using percentages, chi-square and descriptive statements.
The findings indicated that inadequate training, insufficient knowledge of key teachers, lack
af suppart and motivation and lack of fallow-up activities from the relevant educatianal
autharities and lack af commitment and initiative an part af the teachers have affected
teachers in using portfolias for the improvement of class room instruction. Due to. major
limitations mentioned above, the participants lacked abilities and knowledge to reflect on
their plans, were unable 10 show the pracess of learning activities and the evidences in
changing their practices and students' peliarmance in their portfalias, lacked ability to.
identifjl the purpases of assessment and evaluatian methads to. assess the progress afstudents
as well as teachers and were unable to lise the feedbacks pravided to teachers far the
contribution af enhanced learning. These were the majar problems of teachers observed in
this study. Ther~rore, it is apparent that the practices of portfalios have velY lillie
contribution in enhancing the CPD activities and quality of education. No. teaching methodl'
and different activities had been abserved in their portfolias which led the students to. think
critically and solve prablems. This cauld be an impact in achieving the desired goals
indicated in the current Education and Training Palicy. In arder to alleviate sllch problems,
intensive training on partfolio, motivation, clase supervision, clear guidance and support
shauld be provided pam the cancerned relevant education offiCials and teachers must feel
ownership on partfolios use to ensure the successfid implementation of partfolio.
Teaching Portfolio in Professional Development