Electron Transport in Silicon Carbide System

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Addis Ababa University


In this work electron transport in silicon carbide (SiC) system were considered. The calculations are done based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) which adopt a use of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) in PBE. An abinit code based on the DFT is applied. From the calculations, we obtained optimum values of lattice constant (parameters), bulk modulus, cut-o energy, and di erent energies (surface energy, cohesive energy, vacancy energy) of silicon carbide. These results are reported using a step-by-step approach and compared with other exprimental values. Analysis based on bandstructure, density of state, projected density of state, work-function, and optical properties are also presented. The optical property has a direct relationship with the distribution of crystal bandgap and electronic density of state. The Monte Carlo method takes into account band structure model to investigate electron transport.



Electron Transport, Bandstructure, Optical Properity, Workfunction, DOS, PDOS, DFT, GGA, ABINIT, MC

