Investigating Into the Major Factors Responsible For the Spread of the Hiv/Aids Epidemic in Addis Ababa and Nazareth

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Addis Ababa University


The only way to solve the problem of I-f/VIAIDS is prevention than treatment by identifYing the major f actors responsible for its drastic distribution. This paper tries to find the major factors that are responsible for the distribution of HIV AIDS in Addis Ababa and Nazareth. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to find out the major f actors thaI are responsible for the distribution of HIV epidemic. Specifically, it is intended to: 1. identifY the demographic factors those are associated with HIV 2. identifY the unique behavioral characteristics that lead to HIV infection 3. explore the effect of socio-cultural factors on HIV distribution 4. explore the impact of the socio-economicfactors on HIV distribution The study was conducted by distrib liling questionnaires with four categories of questions to HIV victims waiting medication in hospitals and in Dawn Hope of Ethiopia offices. The data are then analyzed by categorizing to four sections I) Analysis of behaviors versus demographic variables, 2) Behavioral versus Behavioral variables, 3) Behavioral versus economic variables and 4) Behavioral versus social-cultural variables. The data collected from 100 HIV patients in hospitals and Dawn Hope of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa and Nazareth is analyzed by using cross tabulations andfrequency tables to observe the association of one variable on the behaviors of individuals that are susceptive for HIV infection. To decide on the existence of association between a pair of variable using chi square test of independence, coefficient of contingencies were computed Variables that are associated with some behaviors such as lIIultiple sexes, drug addiction and others are explained in cross tabular forms and bar charts. The result indicated that the behavioral variables such as drug addiction, openness and interest to exchange about HIV and Condoms and the demographic variables such as sex, marital status, age and place of birth are the major factors for the distribution of HlVIAIDS follow ed by socio-economic factors such as occupation, average income and housing issues. But the socio-cultural factors such as rape, tal/ooing, ear piercing and FGM are found to have insignificant effect on the distribution of HIVIAIDS in Addis Ababa and Nazareth.



the Major Factors Responsible For the Spread of the Hiv/Aids
