The Effectiveness of Tutorial program In distance education at the tertiary Level: the case of Alpha and Admas university college

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Addis Ababa Universty


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of tutorial program in distance education at the tertiary level with reference to Alpha and AdmasUniversity Colleges.The populations of this study included administrators, tutorial coordinators, tutors and students. In this study a total of 266 participants were taken as a sample. From this sample 50 of them were tutors, 200 were students and the rest were administrators and tutorial program coordinators. For a better understanding of the situation a mixed research approach was employed.Questionnaireinterview,FGD,observationand document analysis were used as means of data collection. Frequency, percentiles, standard deviation, mean value and t-test were used for analyzing the quantitative data while the qualitative data were thematically organized, categorized and examined to understand the emerging patterns of responses. The findings of the study reveal that the tutorial services provided by tutors were devoted largely to tutor’s verbal explanation of descriptive facts. The current practice of distance education offering institutions of faceto face tutorials are provided on voluntary bases. Students’ survey responses showed dissatisfaction with the inflexible nature of the resources, insufficient academic support provided and a preference for guided learning activities and participation in discussion. It was found with satisfaction that learners have positive attitude towards tutorial and distance education in general. Furthermore, from the responses of the tutors/students there is evidence that confirms students are benefited from face to face tutorial. The study indicated that the absence or shortage of the modules during students’ registration was serious problem that negatively affects students’performance,causes delays in graduation and students’ attendance and participation in tutorial sessions. The findings also reveal that visual aids were not employed in the tutorial session. In addition to this the study disclosed that no electronic media was employed to facilitate the student support service. The absence of practical exercise and demonstration was found to be the defects of tutorial session.Finally, basedon the findings and conclusions recommendations were made to address the problem under study.



