An Assessment of the Current Status of Academic Staff Development Practices in Selected Preparatory Schools of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The prime pUlpose of the study was to assess the current status of academic staff
development practices in selected government preparatolY schools of Addis Ababa. To
this end, the descriptive survey method was in operation. Both questionnaire and
document analysis were in use as instrument of data collection. The sampling techniques
used to select the data sources of the study were simple random stratified and purposive
ones. Teachers and educational leaders ' development core process coordinators,
supervisors, principals, vice-principals, and teachers were the subjects of the study.
Frequency, percentages, and mean scores were the statistical tools used to analyze the
data gathered. This study revealed that staff members were not given the opportunity to
identifo their own development needs irrespective of their position. Identification of
needs through analysis of the culture, plan and objective of the school as well as
individuals work peiformance together with consideration of trainers' capability and
level of motivation in prioritizing the needs identified were not practiced. Though the
schools made need assessment for staff development programs, it was top level managers
who authoritatively determined development needs of sta1ft. As shown in the findings,
teachers were aware of the program and its contents. However, the programs were not
operating according to the time table; procedures were not determined for participation
and involvement of all sta1ft in the assessment of needs; identification and selection of
objectives, training types, and contents; and evaluation of staff development programs.
In effect such scenario may have adverse consequences both on the part of the teachers
and the school itself It contributes to lowering the interest of teachers to attend the
program which might finally end up in physical withdrawal orland may take students
time thereby affecting portion coverage and quality of education outcome. From this, it is
possible to conclude as the programs were poorly organized and coordinated. In
addition to this, the available limited practice of implementing academic staff
development program had been hampered by budget constraints. In light of these
findings, some of the recommendations fonvarded are: giving a room to staff members in
identifoing development needs of their own, identifoing needs through analysis of
individuals' knowledge, skills, attitude, and work performance together with the culture,
plan and objective of the schools. Though there might exist unforeseen situations
forcing not to run development programs according to the time allotted, attention
ought to be given to avoid deterring factors that can be foreseen with adequate
preparation that optimize the possibility of operating staff development programs
according to time tables. Furthermore, rationally accepting needs assessed by the
schools, and avoiding the trend of top level managers' authoritative determination of
staff development needs as well as determination of procedures for participation and
involvement of all staff should be made.
Current Status of Academic Staff Development Practices