The Potential Role of mLearning for the Training of Health Workers in Some Selected Health Science Colleges in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
Regardless of the high potential role thought of mobile device in some pilot
projects, there is no enough evidence that describes the potential role of
mLearning for the training of health workers in Ethiopia.
This study has the objective of assessing the potential role of mLearning for
the training of health workers in Ethiopia. Mixed design cross sectional method
has been employed where by a self administered questionnaire was designed
and distributed to a total of forty (40) health workers and thirty(30) trainers
working in Dr Tewelde, Debrebirhan and Shashamane Health Science
Colleges.Policy makers from Federal Ministry of Health has also been included
in the study. In-depth interview was also conducted with key informants.
There were six pilot mLearning projects tested in Ethiopia specifically meant to
improve the knowledge and skill of health workers. This study explored the
potential of mLearning and developed mLearning model for the training of
health workers in Ethiopia.
The finding of this study shows that health workers, trainers and policy makers
and alike see much potential in using mLearning for the training of health
workers to improve the quality of training provided in the Health Science
Colleges by loading audio-visual teaching aids, short message service,
improving communication between trainers and students, and ultimately
equipping learners with the necessary knowledge and skill for better health
Educational research