Perceived Barriers to Undergo Voluntary, Hiv Counseling and Testing Among Sudanese Women Refugees in Pugnido Refugee Camp
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Addis Ababa University
The major purpose of the study was to identify the significant perceived barriers of
women reji/gees to undergo voluntmy HIV counseling and testing (VCT). Additionally
knowledge of the study participants about VCT and their al/ilude towards the potential
benefits of VCT were explored. To collect data from the respondents, a structured
questionnaire that comprised of knowledge, al/ilude and perceived barrier ilems was
administered. To supplement the quantitative data gathered through the questionnaire,
focus group discussion was held with 15 samples. Percentage, t-test and chi-square
were used to analyze the quantitative data. In/ormation obtained ./i"om .facus grullp
discussion was analyzed qualitatively. The results indicated that knowledge of women
refl/gees about VCT was relatively insufficient to undergo the service as well as ahollt
its potential benefits and their al/itl/de towards the services was inclined to negative.
The important harriers among women refl/gees to undergo VCT were found multidimensional.
Among these barriers, fear of stigma and discrimination ji'om the refugee
community was the principal problem. Also, negative al/itude ()/the community
towardl' Hfll positive peoples was the other harrier. Moreover, unwillingness of'
partners to be tested together, absence ()/ care and support services and antiretroviral
medicine fiJr Htv positive people were obstacles to undergo VCT MTCT program in
the camp, cultllral barriers and limited male involvement in vcr service, absence oj'
open discussion about HIli/AIDS and VCT in the refugee community, fear of won)',
stress, andfear of rejection if the result is positive were also identified as barriers that
hindered women refugees to undergo VCT Based on the findings, recommendations
were made.
HIV counseling and testing, (VCT)