Women's Decision-Making in the Household: The Case Of Women Petty Traders in 'Gulelle' Sub-City, Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


The present study examines the impact of income earning on the decision-making power of women in the household and its contribution to the well being of children as well as other household members. The study participants are 16 women petty traders from 'Gullell Sub-city of Addis Ababa Administrative zone, who are at wedlock, within the age range of 25-55 and who have at list one child residing with them. Feminist research approach is applied guided by the gender stratification theory. Data was collected through participant observation, interviews and a focus group discussion informed by critical feminist ethnographer's principles. The study reveals that the income earning of women petty traders has contributed to their decision-making power in the household. It further discloses that income earning of the women has complex and contradictory effect. Although it has improved the status of the women, in some instances it has created burden on the live of women. The study reveals that income and the gendered ideologies matters in the household decision-making. The less important household matters such as house management (gender roles of women) are left to the exclusive decisions of women where as, in the important household matters such as control of household resources (capital, assets) etc. the negotiating power of women in the decision-making processes is influenced by the gendered ideologies in addition to their income contribution



Gender Studies

