Shakespeare in Amharic Translations : Julius Caesar in Focus

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Addis Ababa University


Of all playwrights in the English-speaking world, the most translated into Amharic is Wil l iam Shakespeare. At least ten of his plays have appeared either in .print or on stage, or both, since 1933 E. C. ยท Among these ten, the tragedy of Julius Caesar has been translated four times by four different translators - most likely due to its thematic relevance . The critical analysis in this thesis discloses that successful work has not been achieved in two of the target texts . Quite the opposite holds t r ue in the other two. Despite Shakespeare's early introduction to Ethiopia , not much study or research ias been done on him. This thesis attempts to examine the difficulties involved in translation work in general, and , in translation of Shakespeare in parti cular , by focusing on Julius Caesar . It is hoped that it will pave the way for future researchers t o follow suite and shed light on the bard in the Ethiopian cont ext. * All years are given in Gregorian Calender unless otherwise explained as in this case .



Julius Caesar in Focus
