A Floristic Analysis and Ethnobotanical Investigation of the A Wash Riverine Vegetation

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Addis Ababa University


Riverine vegetation along the Awash River between altitudinal gradient extending from 350-1470 m a.s.1. was studied to describe major plant communities and relationships between plant communities, edaphic, climatic and topographic factors. Ethnobotanical information was gathered from key informants and the plants were described briefly. Two field trips were conducted in December 1999-Januaiy 2000 to the Awash basin in the East Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional State and the Afar Region. A total of 65 releves Were analysed . in each of the sample plots the floristic composition was qualititativeiy analysed systematically within a nested belt transect of 100in laio parallel to the tivet cover/ abundance value was estimated for each species basec on braun banquet ampproach all woody in dviduais taller than2 mand thicker than 2 cm were mcasured for height and diameter at breast height (dbh)environment vartaies measuied inciude Altitude, Slope, Soil Texture, Sand %, Silt % and Clay %, pH, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Organic Carbon (OC), available Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg) and base saturation. Seven vegetation communities were described. Acacia nilotica subsp. leiocmpa (L.) Wil/d. ex. Del.-Carissa edldis Vahl. type; Acacia robllsta Burch. subsp. lIsambarensis (Taub) Brenan,-Acokamhera schimperi (A. DC.) Schweinf. type; Celtis ajricana-Mimllsops lallrijolia type; Acacia senegal-Acacia lIlellijera-DoberQ glabra type, Acacia Ililotica subsp. indica-Ficus capreaejolia type, Lannea schimperi-Glycine lVightii type and Talllarix nilotica-;Acacia hocki community type. 36 plant species were described as ethnobotanically significant plants as informed by key informants. All plant specimens collected were identified and deposited in the National Herbarium (ETH.).




