The Correlation between Feamles' Levels of Assertiveness and Their Participation in Interactive Work in Efl Classrooms of Addis Ababa High Schools
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Addis Ababa University
The main concem of this study was to find out the relationship between
females' level of assertiveness and their verbal interaction in EFL classrooms. An
attempt was also made to assess the influence of family educational and economic
background on females' level of assertiveness and their verbal involvement. To
these ends a standard assertiveness inventory, classroom observations,
questionnaire and interview were used.
The number of subjects was 144 (72 males and 72 females). They were
randomly selected from three government and two private high schools in Addis
The research findings showed strong correlation between females level of
assertiveness and their verbal interaction in EFL classrooms at a p-value of. 01 for
long turns and turns in discussion. (r=.44 for long turns and .40 for turns in group
discussion). Overall turns also showed significant relationship at a p-value of .01.
(r=.35 for total turns).
Despite their equality in assertiveness, male and female subjects showed
great disparity in verbal interaction in both teacher-student and student -student
interactions i.e. males surpass females in verbal out-put in EFL classrooms (p=.07
for assertiveness and .00 for verbal interactions).
This study also pointed out that parents' social status had stronger influence
on females' level of assertiveness and their verbal interaction than on males.
Moreover, mothers' education and income was found to have positive influence on
their children's personality development and verbal out-put. Fathers' income also
indicated significant influence on their children's verbal production.
On the basis of the present research results, the following recommendations
are forwarded:
Assertiveness tra ining programme should be set in high schools and
teacher training institutions. Guidance and counciling officers at high schols
should take the responsibility to carry out the programme.
Equal emphasis should be given to cognitive and non-cognitive variables;
and further studies should focus on investifating the possible non-cognitive factors
that impede language learning in our context.
Feamles, Correlation between Feamles