Human Resource Management Practices And Challenges: The Case of Entoto Tvet College
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Addis Ababauniversity
The study was conducted mainly to assess the human resource management practices and
challenges in Entoto TVET College. It attempted to explain the process of human resource
management practices, participants of HRM practices, process of hiring employees, retention and
evaluation system in the Entoto TVET College. It also tried to identify the main challenges of
HRM, case and its solution in the future.To this effect descriptive survey method was employed.
As sources of information trainers, administrators of TVET College, city TVET agency officers
and different department workers of the Entoto TVET College were selected. From trainers
population of the TVET College were selected through availability sampling technique out of 206
trainers, 103 were selected and 101 questionnaires completed. Besides from 150 administrators,
53 were selected and 48 questionnaires completed. From Addis Ababa TVET agency officers and
different department workers of Entoto TVET College of respondents were selected through
purposive sampling method, out of 18 officers and 23 different department workers, 3 and 4 were
selected for interview officers and workers respectively. To collect data from the sources
questionnaires and interview were employed. In order to validate the instrument for the study ,
different capable person including the researcher and the assigned academic adviser examined it
and pretest was conducted for the questioners, as the result the necessary measure were taken.
Then after the data collected through questionnaires were computed in the percentage, presented
in the table and followed by discussion. The results of open ended items of the questionnaires and
interviews were present through descriptive statement. The study showed that in HRM practices
there were problems of awareness because of administrators did not participate to give
awareness for employees. And the main challenges of HRM in the college were less commitment
of administrators and less employees’ compensation. Therefore to improve HRM practices and
prevent HRM challenges, administrators, other staff members and stakeholders should contribute
a lot to Entoto TVET College
Management Practices