Comparative Study on Certain Personality Characteristics and Attitudes Toward Corrections Between Convicts of Homicide and Non-Criminal Groups in Hawassa

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study was to compare certain personality characteristics and attitudes toward corrections of convicts of homicide and non-criminals in Hawassa_ And the research questions were the following_ 1_ Is there sta tistica lly s ignificant difference in p ersonality characteristics between convicts of homicide a nd non criminals? 2 _ Is t here statis tically significant d ifference in attitudes t oward corrections between convicts of homicide and non criminals? 60 homicides were randomly selected from Hawassa correction center_ And 60 non-criminals were purpos ive ly selected at the same town_ Two typ es of questionnaires (the Big Five personality questionnaire and attitude questionna ire) were used to gather information_ Analysis of the data was made using quantitative methods_ In order to determine each group's personality characteristic and attitude towards corrections, the observed sample mean was compared with expected mean or average mean_ Independent t-test was also run to determine their difference_ The results of the study revealed that, the majority of convicts of homicide and non criminals were extroverts and there was no significant difference in extraversion between these g roups_ Howe ve r, the maj ority of non-criminals were agreeable while most convicts of homicides were not agreeable and there was statistically significant difference. Consequently, both groups were open to experience and there was no significant difference in openness between these groups. The majority of convicts of homicide were not emotionally sable where as the majority of non-criminals were emotionally stable and statistically significant difference was found between the two groups. Even though the majority of convicts of homicide and non-criminals were conscientious, there was significant difference in conscientiousness between these two groups. The results of the study also revealed that, though the majority of convicts of homicide and non-criminals had positive attitude toward corrections there was significant difference in attitudes between the groups. In accordance with the findings and conclusions, recommendations were forwarded.



Attitudes Toward Corrections Between Convicts
