Gis in Project Impact Assessment Southern Tsetse Eradication Project Humbo Woreda (Snnpr)
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Addis Ababa Universty
The objective of this study is to further expand the use of Remote Sensing and GIS
techniques in the country, especially in the area of project planning, monitoring,
evaluation and impact assessment in the agriculture sector. Impact assessment of
the Southern Tsetse Eradication Project (STEP) was carried out using Remote
Sensing and GIS techniques, by taking Humbo Woreda (SNNPR) as a case study.
Landsat ETM+ image of the area was used and agricultural sample survey was
conducted in 11 peasant associations in the study area. Pertinent questions
categorized into household characteristics, agricultural data, tsetse fly and
trypanosomiasis condition as well as environmental related issues regarding pre and
post project periods were included in a structured questionnaire. Statistical
comparison of with and without project situation of various parameters was made.
These include size of cultivated land, amount of crop production, method of
cultivation, number of livestock, oxen out put, situation of tsetse infestation and
trypanosomiasis prevalence and environmental situations in the area, etc. Survey
data was manipulated and spatially presented by creating a spatial database in GIS
software and using spatial facilities such as grid interpolation, proximity analysis,
density calculation, map query, grid analysis and layout facilities.
The project had no socio-economic baseline data thus, farmers' recall method was
applied as alternative source of information. In addition to this, due to the absence of
recent satellite image, it was not possible to compliment the agriculture sample
survey with remote sensing data. As a result it was not possible to assess the land
use! cover and environmental change analysis at the desired level.
Assessment based on the available information, showed that the so far undertaken
tsetse control intervention by STEP has enabled to significantly reduce the tsetse
and trypanosomiasis problem in the area. As a result, livestock health condition has
improved while, livestock body and growth condition have not shown similar
improvement mainly due to feed and water scarcity. There has been a clear shift from
hand cultivation to the use of oxen power while average cultivated size and
production of major cereals that normally require oxen power for their CUltivation has increased. The impact is more visible in kola areas, probably due to the f act that
these areas had been highly affected by the problem and where most impact is
expected as a result of the control intervention.
The application of advanced survey and monitoring tools, including remote sensing
and GIS, has in general, allowed appropriate situation analysis. Finally, it was
recommended that any project need to undertake baseline as well as regular
monitoring surveys enabling data collection for future project impact assessments
and the use of recent satellite image for detailed land use! cover change analysis.
Key words: STEP, Impact Assessment, Remote Sensing and GIS, Tsetse fly,
Trypanosomiasis, Apparent Fly
STEP, Impact Assessment, Remote Sensing and GIS, Tsetse fly, Trypanosomiasis, Apparent Fly