Game Theoretic Frame Work Based Energy Efficient RAN Infrastructure Sharing in Multi-Operator Mobile Networks

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Addis Ababa University


Recently, cellular network base station (BS) switching-off and infrastructure sharing techniques have been introduced as capable solutions for energy and cost reduction. The rising number of base stations results in redundant energy usage, particularly during low traffic durations when the base station's capacity is underutilized. In this thesis, we have studied roaming-based infrastructure sharing problems among three MNOs (mobile network operators). These operators switch-off their BSs and roam their traffic to active neighboring BSs operated by other MNOs in a specified geo-graphical area during low-traffic periods. Our goal is to save energy and increase the system capacity of the MNOs while maintaining QOS. We have proposed mathematical models all over this thesis based on novel non-coop-erative game theoretic strategies to model and evaluate competitive interactions among MNOs. This strategy is modelled as an integrated cost-based objective function by applying different scenarios to determine which base stations should remain active. In this method, operators share infrastructure and dynamically roam their traffic to maximize throughput. We have implemented the Tit-for-Tat (TFT) algorithm to share a portion of their network and optimized it with three MNOs operating in the same area with varying traffic loads and distance (D) between UEs and BSs. We also imple-mented the TFT algorithm's hyper parameters. A MATLAB simulation tool was em-ployed to evaluate the performance of proposed scheme. We demonstrate simulation results in different scenarios to quantify the financial benefits due to energy savings from our proposed scheme, which provides up to 50% BS switching of probability to MNOs and throughput gains up to 100 Mbps with roaming-based traffic load varia-tions compared to the baseline approach.



Infrastructure Sharing, Roaming, Game Theory, BSs Switching-Off, Nash Equi-librium, Multi-operator
