Causal attributions for poverty among youths in Bahir Dar, Amhara region
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Addis Ababa Universty
Inthis study. the perceived causal altributions of poverty amollg vouths (studellts) were
investigated. The samples of the study were Bahir Dar General Secondwy Schools alld
University students. Thirty-nine allributions for poverty questiollnaire were completed by a
total sample of 460 (male = 285. female = I 75). To supplement the qualltitative data. openended
questionnaire was used Principal factor analysis. t-tests and MANOVA were llsed to
analyze the quantitative data. Prillcipal factor analysis revealed that the respondellts' poverty
attributions could be distinguished alollg three main dimensions: structural accoullted for
15.3J% of the total variance. illdividualistic 9.2%, and fatalistic 5.76% The filldillgs of the
study showed that youths (studellls) in Bahir Dar were more inclined to attribute poverty to
structural factors. Group breakdowns revealed some importallt sigllificant difJerellces related
to the respondents' demographic variables and socioeconomic status of parellts.
Demographic variables of sex alld educatiollal level had statistically Significant maill effects
on fatalistic and individualistic attributiolls of poverty respectivel)'. Females gave more
fatalistic attributions of poverty thall males. High school students were more individualistic in
their attributions than their coullterparts. Parents' income level. amollg other socioeconomic
status of parents, showed main significant effect on the structural dimension of poverty where
high-income groups gave more structural explanations of poverty than low and middleincome
groups. Statisticaliy significant interaction effects were also observed among
demographic variables and socioeconomic status of parents 011 the three possible
explanations of poverty. The result suggests that respondents perceived potential causes of
poverty to be more structural than individualistic thereby with more emphasis on community
based poverty reductioll intervention strategies. The results of the study also provided all
inSight to Bahir Dar youths' cOllceptualizatioll of perceptiolls on poverty among the groups,
with recommendations for developing poverty reduction intervent iOlls accordingly.