The Attitude of Instructors Towards Their Performance Evaluation with Reference to Haw Assa University

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Addis Ababa University


This study has been set out to focus on the attitude of instructors and technical assistants towards their performance evaluation with reference to Hawassa University. In order to accomplish the study, basic questions on their attitude towards the purpose, administration, face-to-face evaluation, students', col leagues', and department heads' evaluation, and the effectiveness of the evaluation in struments/forms have been raised to be answered . Descriptive survey method was employed to conduct the research. One sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and mean comparisons were also used in the analysis. The study found out that instructors and technical assistants showed positive attitude towards such aspects as the purpose, administration, face-to-face evaluation. Moreover, the respondents demonstrated favorable attitude towards students' and colleagues' evaluation. In addition, the assessors included in students', colleagues' and department heads' rating instruments were perceived as appropriate, useful, and applicable by respondents. However, they showed negative attitude towards department heads' evaluation . Furthermore, Significant attitudinal variation among respondents towards the purpose of evaluation, students' evaluation and department heads' evaluations by qualifications were also the findings of the study. There were also significant attitudinal variation among respondents towards the administration of the evaluation and towards colleagues evaluation by teaching experiences. Finally, based on the findings of the study, the following recommendatiuns were forwarded: • Faculties/colleges should provide adequate orientation to students about the purpose of faculty teaching performance evaluation. • Faculties/colleges should arrange training program to instructors and technical assistants on the purpose and administraiion of faculiy teaching performance evaluation. • Faculties/colleges should continuous ly revise the assessors of the faculty rating instruments and include some standard open-ended questions that invite the evaluators to offer suggestions for improvement. • Training to department heads, about how to make effective evaluation, should be given and items concerning the academic aspect shouid be included in the department heads' rating forms. • Face-to-face evaluation should be applied so that instructors can get timely feedback about their strength and weaknesses from students. • Comprehensive research should be done at a national level by the MOE in collaboration with the universities of the country.



Performance Evaluation with Reference
