An Assessment of The Contribution of Human Resource Information System In Human Resources Management at Addis Ababa City Administration Education Bureau

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The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of HRIS in human resource management throughout recruitment, selection, training and development as perceived by Senior HR Executives of Addis Ababa City Administration Education Bureau. In this study a descriptive survey research design was employed for this study the researcher used systematic sampling and simple random technique Data collected through different tools and paired questionnaires were analyzed and interpreted both quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative data that were obtained through questionnaires was coded, tallied, tabulated, organized and treated with different statistical techniques for analysis and inferences. More specifically, different statistical tools like, frequency counts, mean average, weighted mean values, percentages, standard deviation was calculated using software called SPSS version 20 to compare one set of scores to another. Thematic analysis was carried out for information obtained through interview and document analysis to enrich the quantitative data obtained and finally analysis of the questionnaire were made based on the five-point Likert scale. As the results of the findings indicated in average more than 75% of the respondents disagreed on the issues raised on all items showed the HRIS was not practiced. the evaluation of the recruitment and selection process has not done in the organization with the help HRIS therefore the system has not played a vital contribution in recruitment and selection processes in the organization. With regard of the training and development because of the organization has not used HRIS for training and development functions, it is not specifically known whether it minimizes the cost or not for the organization. All group of respondents negatively agreed on this issue of management and decision-making process of the organization over all human resource planning and management functions with mean score of 2.05. An indication of another potential problem was revealed in the answers to open-ended questions on the survey seeking additional feedback. Frequently mentioned by the respondents was the need for more training on the system. Since the training was given to very few and selected persons among them majorities are already resigned from the organization, so they do believe that additional and better training would lead to better results. In addition to these responses in my interview showed that the city administration education bureau was not the fully owner of the program whereas its owned by MoE, thus lack of the sense of ownership by itself create big problem and only a focal person was assigned and there was lack of follow up and proper monitoring and evaluation and feedback. On top of this the delivery of the training for the selected staffs and the way how those employees selected was also another source of problem in the practical implementation and consequently lead to loosing of the proposed benefits and the contribution of HRIS AEB expecting to its overall Human Resource Management. As per the responses of the open ended questions and the interviews held with some of the staff and top level management members of the organization, they were not found practically implementing HRIS in their organization. Finally the solutions they used to overcome the major challenges by the Addis Ababa City Administration Education Bureau was to wait for the coming new software and its implementation that was prepared by the city administration office for all the bureaus. In doing so the city administration education bureau already select participants for this new program The study concludes that HRIS as a tool is an excellent tool for Human Resource management (HRM). It enhances and contributes a lot in the identification of unfilled positions accurately and analyzes each job position with its title in an organization. It also provides insight into organizational training needs, selects the right persons to be trained and evaluates the effectiveness of training and development programs, it plays great roll in recruitment and selection but has the challenges of available trained man power, lack of ownership, high turnover of those trained employees the way how the first time training was delivered administered i.e that is more of theoretical than practical.



HRIS Human Resource Information System
