A survey Study of Plastic Packaging Practices in Addis Ababa and Oromia Regions

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Addis Ababa Universty


The most environmentally criticized package types are plastic and paper, the former for litter, ingestion, and disposal problem and the laller for deforestation. The Ethiopian government enacted not to produce or import plastic bags with a thickness of 0.03 millimeters and below for they are major causes for the environment to litter. Besides, in the proclamation (Proclamation No. 51312007), it has been indicated that "as of the date fixed under a directive to be issued by the Authority, it shall be unlawjit! to put on the market any plastic bag that is not labeled to show whether it is biodegradable or not ". Despite all these efforts, it is common to see used plastic packages on curb-sides. The overall purpose of this study is, therefore, to investigate plastic packaging practices in Addis Ababa and Oromia Regions and suggest some possible ways of remedy to mitigate the problem. The methodology employed for this study is a descriptive survey and is both qualitative and quantitative in n(J/ure. The study population basically included eleven package manufacturers and 235 of their respective cllstomers. Of these groups of populations, five and 150 samples were respectively drawn and surveyed. Besides, views of governmel1l officials concerned were included. In collecting the relevant data, questionnaires and interviews were used as primary sources. Policy and other documents were used as secondary sources. 1n this study, probability sampling procedure was used with stratified simple random sampling techniques. The data analysis employed is descriptive and focused onji-equencies, percentages, and standard or interpolated median measures. The survey result indicated that velY little attention has been given to packaging in general and plastic packaging in particular. No packaging policy has been formulated so far. Plastic bags with a thickness of 0.03 millimeters or below werefound to be produced, and plastic packages in the form of roll and shopping bags were found to be the most dominant packages being used. Plastic package wastes are not managed in an environmentally friendly manner, there is an increasing demand for plastic packages by users. Government and product users are found to be the most responsible bodies for environmental pollution specific to plastic package waste. There is inadequate number of skilled personnel in package design. Environment is given the least packaging consideration in comparison with other considerations such as packaging cost and convenience to use and distribute a product. In the light of the major findings, recommendations forwarded include: to have packaging policy in order to utilize the most out of packaging, to create awareness among the public to care for environment and to dispose used packages safely. Besides, government must enforce the already existing regulations (proc lamation No. 51312007) and issue some other additional packaging related policy as well as regulations including implementation strategies that will consider efficient utilization of packaging reso urces, environment, package producers, package IIsers, and the society (1/ large.



