The Relevance of Style and Structure in the Creation of Social Interaction in Passion’s Treasure

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Addis Ababa University


The aim of this research paper was to investigate the relevance of style and structure in the creation of social interaction in Passion’s Treasure. In doing this, the study employed qualitative research method specifically case study. To proceed the process, the study uses five chapters with various sub topics The first chapter maintains how the study was going to be studied. This means it gives relevant highlight from where the study began and stopped. The second chapter regulates the review of theoretical aspects. To formulate effective systems, various approaches should be seen deeply and thoroughly. To enhance persuasive findings, new approaches were expected to regulate the analysis. Therefore deviation through contractual sequence, repetition through characterization and parallelism through plot were taken to facilitate the coming chapter. The third chapter entrusts or entrenches the analysis of the novel Passion’s Treasure using the framework that was designed in chapter two. The fourth one made intensive discussion about what we had said previously. That is brave discussion about the outcomes of style and structure to create social interaction. The last chapter concludes the whole study and findings at once with the structure of the novel Passion’s Treasure in the form of chart.



Creation of Social Interaction
