The Factors Influencing the Effective Implementation of Continuous Profesional Development Program. The Case of Selected Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa
dc.contributor.advisor | Desta, Daniel (PhD) | | | TurunaIticha, Lamesa | | | 2018-10-22T13:12:10Z | | | 2023-11-10T13:01:50Z | | | 2018-10-22T13:12:10Z | | | 2023-11-10T13:01:50Z | | | 2014-02 | |
dc.description.abstract | The ma in objective of this study was to inves tigate th e factors influencing the effective imple ment a ti on of CPO Program in Addis Ababa city administration. To accomplish thi s purpose. a descriptive Survey method was e mployed. Da ta for th e study were coll ec ted using Qu es tionna ires. interview and document analysis. By Purposive sampling method from Addis Abab a c ity administration, Abiyot Kirs. Oerartu Tullu and Lafto secondary sc hools were se lected as a sample. In the study 109 Teac hers participated on filing th e questionnaires and 1 5 Teachers have Participated on interview in number 6 teac hers. 3 Unit leaders . 3 direc tors. 3 sub city Educational Experts have Participated on a n interview and document analysis is also took place in se lected sc hools a nd portfolio of six te ac her. two teachers from each school have been seen. Data ob ta in ed through ques tionnaires were qua litati ve ly described and interpre ted a nd co mbin ed with the information ob ta in ed throug h interview were qualitatively described in to supplement th e qu antitat iv e d ata. Th e res ult of da ta a na lysis a nd interpreta ti on indi cated tha t the su pport given to teachers both pre-services a nd post practice was low. the supports provided for teachers after. th ey started teaching and follow up-sys tem was also very poor it was consid ered the only responsibility of the sub ci ty T OP expertis e and supervisors . the attitude of teac hers towa rds th e CPO program was found n ega tive. and the idea of the teac hers a nd direc tors shows contradiction on CPO ac tivities. On the bases of these major findings conclusions were made in c hapt e r fiv e. Fin a ll y recommendations were suggested. | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa University | en_US |
dc.subject | Profesional Development Program | en_US |
dc.title | The Factors Influencing the Effective Implementation of Continuous Profesional Development Program. The Case of Selected Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |