Assessment of Implementation of TVET Strategy in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
T he main purpose of thi s study was to asses the implementati on status of' TVET strategy in AA . The
inta ntion was to id entify stre ngthe ns and weakn esses seen while impleme ntation of' the strategy. To
achieve the above and other purposes and object ives o f' this st udy, a qua nti tat ive descriptive s urvey
research method was employed. By proper application o f' sampl ing techniques, a ll necessa ry
participants of this study were selected from AA c ity admi ni strati on TVET agency, TVET department
o f sub c ities, TVET in stitutes, employment o rgan izatio ns, and c ivic assoc iationsons on development
a nd from TVET graduates not able to get employment in the c ity. By employinig c losed and open
e nded questio nnnaries and semistructured inte rviews as apropriate data gath ering instruments for this
study, s ignifi cant types of data were gathered from 30 TVET o ffi c ia ls or experts, 50 pr incipa ls of
TVET in stitu tes, 100 tra iners, and 150 trainees of'TVET in AA. Other s ignifi ca nt data a lso gathered
by document ana lys is. All these data were analyzed by the sim plest stat isti ca l data ana lys is and
expression method, which is percentage. From a ll thses it becomes clear that, many improvements and
some shortages in performance of activ ities while im pl ementa tion of TVET strategy in AA are
become clear. From these we can state that, unde rstanding of the main impl ementers ofTVET strategy
in AA on proper implementation ways of the strategy is s ignificantly improved. As the data analys is
and interpretat ion made in this regard most of them have a ll the necessary knowledge and ideas on the
proper imp lementation ways of the strategy. The study make a ll of the fo lowing act ivit ies which are
pe rformed fo r the proper imp lementati on of the strategy as establi shment of tra ining institutes, maki ng
TVET training and its curriculum re levent, job 0ppOitunity for TVET gradu ates, extent of tra ining on
practical fi eld works, contribution ofTVET both for the society members and the nation are improved
s ignificantly in manL cases. IL is poss ible to say that in many instance implementation of the straLegy
in a ll these activi ty areas is in appropraty status. Apart from these appropriaLe implemenLaLion
improvement types of the strategy, the study also makes it clear thaL, some forms of impl ementation
activ ities of the strategy need improvement fo r the proper im plementation of th e strategy and to bring
s ignificant changes in these rega rd. These are the imp lementat ion system of app renti ceship tra ining.
quality and qua lification levels ofTVET Lra ine rs or Lechars, tra ini ng materials input, the potentioal
or capability of tra in ing to ab le tra inees create their own bus in ess, and al l s ignificant types o f
plan required to be made to enable a ll TVET gradutes and trai nees to create thei r own bus iness
req uire cruc ial type imprvement to e lTecti velly and c nieienLly impleme nL th e strategy. Moreover
the payment difference for sim ilar tra ining between the pr ivate and government TVET in sti tutes and
d iffe rence in ad mi ss ion of students at the lower levels of pri va te and government TVET institutes
are identified as the tVET strategy implementation areas or acti vities, those looking for proper form of
imprvement. The study winded up by giving most necessary recommend ations whi ch help to so lve the
most limtati ons seen while implementat ion ofTV ET strategy in AA.
Assessment of Implementation