Practices and Contributions of Islamic Education to Modern Education in Ethiopia: the case of Bati Azhar Mesjid
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Addis Ababa University
[n Ethiopia , like the Christian eduCilt-ion, Islamic educaJion has been playing a significant role in
the Ii terncy development of the country. However, insignificant scholarly works have so far been
produced and disclosed the real legacy of schooling system in Muslim eduCllhon. 50, the primary
, . purpose of the stttdy is to describe and analyze the nattlre of some of the educational practi ces of
Tslamic eduClltion in Bah Azhar Mesjid f rom the points of view of its legacy and benefits for
modern education. Many of lhe ideas were dealt with the works of Ahmed (2008) and
Muhiddin(20 10) 01'1 another setting . The intention of the writer is bas ed on the I7ssurnpl"ion tlwt
although certain characteristics of educnt70n seent to be similar, sonle pract-ices may differ as the
socia l groups differ fro1'l'1 each other. In order to reach the intended result ethnographic case study
was employed. In the course of the study, all the necessary inforrnntion WIlS gathered using open
ended illteruiell', focus group discussion and observaJion . Based on lhese /,neUlOds infonnalion
was collected from the Sheikh and Daressas (sl:udents) of the school. Besides, former st'udents and
, commu mty mem.bers lue re included through snow ball sampling. The findings oj the study
showed that; lhe teacher taught by working with snwll group s (sherika) of sittd ents who were at
the same le ve l m their studies. Besides, st'udents also allowed to attend courses as per their pace.
Regarding ev aluation , there was no fonnal test , only tile de1'l'Ionstrat7on of 1/wsteriy- reading,
answering, reasoning and execut-ing of re sponsibilities properly. Corporal punishment was non
exis tent, ad vises and offering responsibilities were widely used to re1'nedy mis -behavior and to
punish a studel'lt for not studying well. Tn short, in the school, education was offered in (/
pedagogical approach that has fundamental simila riti es with the i1'l1'entions and
recommendations of many modern educators. i-ience, giving attention for tile dome sit c
trndit-ional sc hools leg acy can offer many geniuses of pedagogical prinCiples in the state
contemporary modem secular ed ucnl:ion,
Education to Modern Education in Ethiopia: