Maturity as a Critical Sustainability Factor for E-Government: Towards A Conceptual Framework

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Addis Ababa University


Extant literature reveals that many e-government initiatives fail, especially in developing countries. Despite the alanning failure rate of e-government initiatives, the governments of developing countries are allocating a huge budget out of their limited resources to support and improve e-government services.Prior research suggested that maturity is a prerequisite for egovernment sustainability, but the relationship between e-government maturity and sustainability has not been investigated. Hence, this research is aimed at developing a conceptual framework that maps e-government maturity to a sustainable e-government service. Qualitative case study was employed in selected government organizations in Ethiopia that provide e-service through the e-government portal of Ethiopia. The detenninants of e-government maturity and sustainability were derived from extant literature and the relationship between them were conceptualized. The conceptual framework was evaluated through document analysis and interview with experts. A six-step qualitative data analysis framework by Kiger and Varpio (2020) has been used to identify, analyze, organize, describe, and report patterns within the collected data. The study results show that availability of an ICT department with an independent annual budget for the e-government development, human resource capability/ human and intellectual capability, staff retention, manager's commitment to prioritize e-government projects, degree and frequency of customer contacts, customer satisfaction, ICT infrastructure development, integration, Website age, legal and political strategies, institutional instability, organizational e-government operational plan, political environment and e-payments were identified to be the detenninants of egovernment maturity. These detenninants are found as the key factors that affect e-govemment service maturity. Some of the detenninants identified from the literature review were excluded after the case study investigation and some other detenninants are newly identified. The study contributes to e-govemment literature by providing a better understanding on the detenninants of e-government service maturity and sustainability. Identifying the detenninants of maturity and sustainability and exploring the link between the two constructs improve our understanding of sustainable e-government services. The outcome of the research could also be of value for practitioners as a quality tool to assess the maturity and sustainability of e-govemment initiatives. keywords: Maturity, Sustainability, E-government maturity, E-government sustainaoility, Egovernment Success



Maturity, Sustainability, E-government maturity, E-government sustainaoility, Egovernment Success
