The Status, Challenges and Prospects of Training Implementation in Benishangul Gumuz Regional Education Bureau
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Addis Ababa University
The Main purpose of this study was to examine the current status, identifying
major barriers of training offered by the REB of Benishangul Gumuz. The
study employed descriptive survey method. The necessary data for the study
were collected from 92 respondents drawn from REB, 3 ZED, 11 WEOs and
11 Secondary schools. A questionnaire consisting of six parts with items
prepared in a five point likert scale and questions with two options also
included. The data collected was quantitative by nature as a result simple
percentage, average mean rating and one -way ANOVA were used to analyze
it Using SPSS software. The findings indicated that training need gap was not
identified through need assessment, before plan to provide trainings for the
target group; moreover the bureau had no clearly set procedures to conduct
training need assessment, the REB has no clearly defined training policy that
guides how the scarce human and other resources allocated to ran the
training process effectively and efficiently, the bureau didn't include training
as critical issues while developing a strategic plan to achieve long ran
objectives ,training and its impact were not evaluated. Moreover, training
evaluation plan were not cited in strategic or operational plans, trainings
can raise awareness about the job that a performer required to do and it
encourages and motivates individuals, training organized at regional level
had adequate training facilities and budget than immediate lower levels of
REB it. During training management process the human, material and
facilities was not given due attention by the REB, there were different
problems that hinder to conduct trainings. For instance, financial, relevance
of training, inconvenient time, trainers related problems and trainees' lack of
interest needs remedy to conduct problem solving training. Finally, it was
conclude in this study that the REB should give due attention to conduct need
training needs assessment in continuous basis participating concerned bodies
and communicate it for decision and planning purpose. Secondly, training
should be guided by clearly defined training policy and guidelines. Most
importantly trainings should be evaluated and also its impact or a difference
that brings trainings should be offered based on the plan in order to minimize
problems encountered regarding it.
Challenges and Prospects of Training Implementation