Households Multidimensional Poverty Analysis in Case of Urban Productive Safetynet Program Beneficeries in Addis Ababa City

dc.contributor.advisorGudeta, Kumela PhD
dc.contributor.authorEshete, Samuel
dc.description.abstractPoverty alleviation is a priority area of intervention for government and non-government organizations including Sustainable development goal agenda. Although there is a difference in the characteristics and dimension of the problem, it can be found in both urban and rural areas. Establishing effective tools for indicators and poverty measurements are also important for a decision making. In addition to the traditional income poverty indicator, multidimensional poverty measurement became the new way of measuring poverty. This study covered the multidimensional poverty status of urban productive safety net beneficiaries in Addis Ketema and Kolfe Keraniyo subcities. The study employed cross-sectional method of research design and Mixed research method of data gathering and analysis methods. Explanatory sequential design method was utilised to collect & analysed the data. Household Survey, Key informant interview and observation were conducted to collect the relevant primary data and secondary data from the relevant organizations & respondents. A total of 270 respondents were randomly selected from the six woredas in the study area. Descriptive methods and binary logistic regression method was conducted to analyse the data. Alkire and foster method of Multidimensional poverty measurement method were deployed to assess the severity and deprivation status of the respondents. Hence, the severity level of poverty is around 25% and observed that the existence of high number of vulnerable households. And it also confirmed the result of OPHI on the existence of high number of vulnerabilities compared with other regions of the country. The MPI of the addis ketema and kolfe keraniyo found 14% and 12.7% respectively. On the other hand, although the program contributed on the improvement of income poverty status households, its impact on education, health and living standard of the beneficiaries were insignificant. On the deprivation status of the households education (36.4%) and Health (25.3%) were major contributors for multidimensional poverty of households. Economic factors such as unemployment and income variability including inflation were major determinant factors besides to multidimensional indicators. Therefore, from regression result it was noted that, household size, unemployed size, health status, housing ownership status, and person per room of the households were significant positive determinant and contributor while educational status is negative determinant for poverty status of the households respectively. The study recommends revising scale of program support of households which considers the economic context of the country and promoting similar poverty alleviation programs which works on human capital, health, improvement of living standard of household’s & job creation activities.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjecturban poverty, Multidimensional poverty, urban safety net programen_US
dc.titleHouseholds Multidimensional Poverty Analysis in Case of Urban Productive Safetynet Program Beneficeries in Addis Ababa Cityen_US


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