Risk Perception of HIV/AIDS among Adult Population: The Case of Nazareth Tractor Assembling Factol'Y Workers
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Addis Ababa University
The putpose of this study was to investigate holY adult workers perceive their risk of HIV
infection in relation to their sexual behavior in a setting of high HIV prevalence. To this end, a
descriptive survey method was employed. The study employed both primmy and secondary
data sources. The primmy sources of data were adult workers employed in Nazareth Tractor
Assembling Factory. Three principal data collecting tools were employed, namely,
questionnaire ,semi- structured interview and focus group discussion to access first hand data.
The secondmy source of data were generated from pertinent government policy and strategic
documents and also from literatures developed both nationally and internationally by
prominent figures and institutions. A total of 170 adult workers in Nazareth Tractor
Assembling FactolY, were used as respondents. Purposive sampling technique was used to
select the interviewees and random sampling technique was used to select FGD respondents ..
Data analysis was conducted using both descriptive and inferential statistics. In addition, bivariate
analysis with Chi-square test was employed to see the relationship of the independent
variables with the dependent variable. As a result the following major findings were obtained:
59.8% of the respondents knew that HIV is a virus, 21.3% have undergone VCT to know their
status, 17.3% have ever used condom, more than 70% have involved in multiple sexual
practices, and about 53.3% leveled themselves as higher risk perceivers due to variousfactors
associated to their sexual behaviors. In addition, the bi-variate analysis has shown the
existence of strong relationship between some of the independent variables (sex, VCT, alcohol
consumption and multiple sexual partners) and dependent variable (risk perception of
HIV/AIDS among adult populations). Based on major findings, conclusions were drawn and
recommendations were forwarded somc of these include;: Sound and viable information,
education and communication (lEC) and/or behavioral change communication (BCC)
interventions should be initiated and jilrther strengthened by Nazareth Tractor Assembling
FactOlY Management; VCT for H IV should be encouraged by productive sectors and
supported by workplace specific jimctional HIV policy and the intervention in the world of
work should necessarily consider adult education to impart an integrated and holistic
knowledge; Concerted efforts of all the factOlY community are critically important to mitigate
the spread and devastating impact of HIV/AIDS.
Risk Perception of HIV/AIDS