Design and Implementation of a Web Based E-Iearning Support System (For Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Outcome based TvET training is important in laday's development of the economic sector. Young people and technologies should be rcady for a country to fit in the dynamically complex learning/training and working envi ronment. The case of Ethiopia is no exception, The country has been in a steady growth in TYET train ing since its implementat ion in 2001 /02. Compared 10 other deve loped co untries TYE'!' training in Ethiopia has not yel rcached the required level of developmen t. This impl ies more work should be carried oul 10 Ill eet present and future needs of ski lled and well tra ined man power as per the need or the variolls training and education fields and the req uirement of the labor market. The purpose of this work was to conduct a sllldy on design and im plementation or a web based eLearn ing support system ror TVET training programs. System requirements have been rigorously collected rrom the fi ve TVET institutions in Addis Ababa; and consulting related literatures and soft ware products which are used in other countries has been made. The design and implementat ion or a prototype system was done in accordance with the ident ified runctional and non runctional req uirements. The prototype has been tested with data from the li ve TVET institutes in Addis Ababa. II has been fOllnd out that the system enables the trainers and tra inees to register, to download proper learn ing material s, to obtain recent in formation about the TVET training, to see result (progress chart) ror a unit or competency, to send noti fi cation by mobile, to download and submit ass ignment, to download teachers guide, curriculum, TVET strategy documents, and generate various reports.



Outcome based training, rvET, unit of competency, progress chart, web bosed e-Ieorning

