Assessment of Human Resource Training and Development Practices in the Education Sector of Snnprs
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Addis Ababa University
The main pwpose o(this study is to assess the practices that have been carried out hy the
various offices of th e SNNPRS education sector in training and development 0/ their
hUlI1an resources since 1995 E. C and to illvestigate those cons train/.\ 10 prepare oI/(l
implement human resources tr a ining and developlllent programs.
To this effect. descriptive research method was employed by \I 'hich 'Iuestiolln(/irn.
interview and doculllentCilY analysis lvere used as instrlil11ents of data gmhaing The dma
were collectedFolll 31 randolllly selected oj/ices (J ut of 177 offices in the region ,~ /Owl 0/
56 officials and 10.; expe rts \I 'e re inclllded as s ubjects a/the study. The collected dotu lrae
analyzed lrith a help o/appropriate d('scriptil'e and inji;rential s tatislics.
The .findings 0/ the study indica ted the absence a/ the practice 0/ conductill g .iTs telilulic
needs assess m ent practices. Besides that 1II0St of th e offices had no hU lllon resource.1
training and deve lopm e nt plans. During delivel)! of the training and del'e/opillellt
programs objeclive of TDP had not been \I'ell presented to trainees. OJ/ices 0/ the seC/or
had no clear and tramparent training and development criteria for selec-ring lraillees ond
tra iners; training and development opportunities had been offered to indil'iduals depend
on their personal relationships and good will of top-level l11angen and illllnedime
supervisors, FUrihermor e, the practice of ut ilizing on -th e ~job training ond del'elopllleni
methods, long - term off -the ~job training lI1 ethods and arranging indunion progrOllis Iii
new recruit and nell' job holders had been neglected. The findings also rel'e,ded Ihe
absence of evaluating the training and development programs, The praclices orprep"ring
and implelilenting training and development prograll1s had been cOlls trained by Ih e
inadequate budget, altitudes of management, absence of clear directh'es . lack 0/
managerial and technical skills to design and implement the training £Il1d del'eiopllleni
programs. Itlvas alsofollnd that the prograll1s delivered constrainedji'olll lack orlruinillg
of trainers, shorlage oflilaterials and allocating of in sufficienttilile.
Bas ed on th e findings o{th e s tudy, the follow ing are recolllmended: appl'Opriate £Iltel1lioll
needs to be gil'en to; conducting TNA, allocation of the neceS,\'WT budget .fei/' TD P,
planni ng T D p, tl'll i n i ng of tra i ners, anang ing o( i ndllct ion pl'OgrOJlls. £IPI Ill'illg (}II-tfle~j()h
methods, cOllducl ing and institutionalizing the practice or el'afuO/iug I"D/) £I1,},iIIl,~illg
awareness creation programs and/onnllfating clear and t)'{fn,ljJarel1l TnI' direclin's (/Ild
arranging 70Tpl'Ograms.
Human Resource Training and Development Practices