Financial Resources Utilization and its Challenges in Government Secondary Schools of Meskan Woreda
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The purpose of this study was to examine the financial resource utilization and its
challenges in Meskan Woreda government secondary schools. For this study,
descriptive survey research design was employed to gather both quantitative and
qualitative data. In the study were 24 PTAs, 109 teachers, 12 finance experts and 12
principals, 6 supervisors and WEO educational experts. The participants were
selected by stratified sampling, simple random sampling and purposive sampling
techniques. Questionnaires, interviews and document review were used as instrument
of data collection. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics
(frequency, percentage, mean and independent t-test and in addition to that the
qualitative data that were obtained from interviews and document review were
explained in native words. Findings of the study revealed that low effective in
financial resource utilization, insignificant participation of stakeholders in school
financial resource management and finance did not follow timely audited
through/using right procedures. Additionally less of stake holders‟ participation on
budget preparation and execution, lack of appropriate checks and controlling school
financial resource management in the school. And it can be concluded that absence
finance rules and regulations and the auditing system did not effective, only few
documents checked by auditors. Thus, to improve the situation, it was recommended
that principals should committed to manage school financial resources, motivate
stakeholders in order to participate and Wordeas Education office employ finance
personnel, share their experience for school principals, finance personnel and PTAs
on budget plan preparation and accounting systems