The Planning and Management of Education Management Information System in Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababa Universty
The planning and management of EMIS at all levels of the education system has a
number of shortcomings. The general objective of the study was to assess the
practices of the planning and management of education information systems at
different hierarchies of Addis Abeba city Administration. The descriptive survey
method was employed. Samples were drawn from education bureau, Kifleketema
Education offices Kebeles and, schools. A variety of sampling techniques,
multistage, purposeful and random sampling were employed. Questionnaires,
interviews, and documents were used to collect the necessary data. The obtained
data were analyzed using statistical tools of percentage, mean, and grand mean.
The result of the study indicates that Information was highly utilized for reporting
purposes, but it was found that utilization of information for planning, monitoring
and evaluation and resource allocation was low. There was a high demand for
educational information; on the other hand EMIS was doing its activity without
planning. There was no independent unit established for the information system.
There was also no information communication strategy designed to disseminate
information at all levels. The only dissemination media used were Annual abstract
and reports. Furthermore, the major problems identified by the study in the
management of EMIS include tum over of personnel, lack of training, lack of
human resources, and lack of awareness on the importance of information for
planning and decision-making. The recommendations forwarded include in
assigning EMIS personnel their level of education and subject specialization
should be considered and should develop the capacity of EMIS at different levels
through continuous training. Special unit for EMIS should be established and
information system planning should be prepared in a regular basis. Variety of
dissemination media should be employed as a means of information
Education management