The Impact of Social Marketing on Contraceptive Utilization: the Case of Dessie Town
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Addis Ababa University
'/he o;'iective II/, this study is to assess the impact o/' social marketing on modern
contracept ive utilization in Dessie '/IJllln. it cumpares the number a/' children and
average age difference in betilleen children a/' users and nun-users a/' modern
contraceptive methods. 7I7e data used is mainly primm)! (collected through
questionnaire, ./ocus group discussion and interview). Other sources (secondw)! data)
include lI 'ritten materials The primw)! data were collected FOI11 10-1 user and 9-1 nonuser
or modern contraceptire methods selected by .I),stematic random sampling
/)escriptive statistics, t-test and chi-square test Iliere employed/or analysis. 'Ihe /indings
or the study indicate that there was a statistical difference hetll'een users and non-users
lI 'ith regard to their number of children and average age diffi!l'ence betilleen children.
I,,~~posure to/conily planning messages and having or detailed knowledge abuut each and
eve,y conlracephve method were directly related lIIith contraceptive utilization. Prices ql
contraceptive method\' did not signi/icantly alTect contraceptive IItilization. it is there/ore
recoll1mended that Social marketing acti vities in the cOllntl)! should be continlled and
strengthened. 'Ihese efforts need to he expanded to rural areas, The private sector is
expected to give elliphasis for the modern contraceptive metl70dl' delivelJl service like
other types or services. For tramparency, prices a/' methods need to be advertised so
that users know the range o/' costs involved and wi/lnot he deceived with unreasonable
prices. Pharmacy store managers may have to become better in/orlJled abollt
contraeeptil'e choices availahle to clistomers and options ./01' re/'erring cllstomers for
higher-level care. Accessibility or contraceptive methods has impact on contraceptive
ulilization. 'Ihere/ol'e. providers are expecfed fO make modern cuntraceptive methods
accessible to the residences o/, cOl1lraceptive users. Social marketers should provide
detail kno ll'ledge a;'outthese methods through print, hmadcastmedia and lea/lets.
Social Marketing on Cohtraceptivc Utilization