An assessment of the performance of education Sector development programme in primary education in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa Universty
The major purpose of this study was to identify and describe the factors affecting the success as well as the
implementation of the education Scector Development Programme and the current status of Primary education at
national and regional levels.
Both internal and external issues were treated to meet the objectives of the study such as the shift made to
sector-wide approach from the project mode; performance of ESDP-I in access and coverage, equity, quality
efficiency and budget utilization; as well as the views of respondents on the achievements made; and of major
constraints (at federal and sample regions and stakeholders).
The data were collected through questionnaire and interviews with 135 respondents (at the federal level,
from six regions and Addis Ababa City Administration). The respondents also included deputy Bureau heads, a Vice
Minister, officials and experts in planning and projects, human resource and programming and other relevant
departments, in addition to regional and federal stakeholders (MOFED, RFEDB and UNICEF, WB, AD US AID and
BESO). Different documents have also been reviewed. Statistical techniques such as percentage, graphs, chi-square
and ANOV A were used to analyze the data.
The results suggest the shift to the sector-wide approach to education development has been intended to
redress the problems of the fragmented intervention of the project approach in Africa and other developing countries.
ESDP-I was started since 1997/98 in Ethiopia and the majority of the respondents believe that although there are yet
greater challenges, it has proved most helpful to see the sector holistically and to think strategically. ESDP-I had set
targets in different indicators to be achieved in 2001/02 (end of ESDP-I).
In the access indicator, significant changes above the target have been registered at the national level and in
most regions; excepting the Afar and Somalia regions, which failed to meet the targets, and scored below the
national average.
With regard to expansion, primary schools have been focused on in the rural areas, and although
improvements were made they were still below the target set. Wide gender, regional, and zonal gaps remain as
challenges to the sector. Concerning the target set to decrease dropout rates at first grade and grades 1-8 at least by
50%, no significant changes were observed and most of the regions did not set targets. With regard to repetition rate
the target was to decrease it by 50% in grades 4-8. Slight decrease was observed at grades 1-4 and 5-8 at national
level and some regions registered good performance although, most the regions did not set targets.. The issue of
quality is still a very serious problem high PSR, and PTR and also more than 70% of unqualified teachers are
currently engaged in teaching in grades 5-8. In some regions one book is shared among 4 and more students. The
share of the budget to education has reached 17.6% and share of primary within this budget increased to 62.2%. The
utilization of capital budget in almost all the sample regions was poor relative to the recurrent expenditure. The
performance of ESDP-I in capacity building for implementers is seen at medium level with high degree of regional
differences, some regions such as Afar showed poor performance.
Major identified constraints are: delay of disbursement of funds and lengthy donor procedures, lack of
interaction with other sectors, turnover of professionals, low level of capital budget utilization and lack of
accountability therefore, weakness in timely submission of reports, low level of monitoring and evaluation, poor
information about ESDP-I for the implementer, lack of institutional memory and low capacity at all levels.
Some of the measures taken include: designing capacity building programmes for weredas personnel,
awareness programmes for teachers and education personnel, efforts to mobilize the community, distance and inrvice
education and annual review meetings at a higher level to evaluate the progress ofESDP-I.
With regard to achievement ofUPE, different views have been noted: some said that it can be attained in
GER at national level, if the commitment of the government and stakeholders continues while others indicated that
some regions might achieve it. However, with respect to NER the response appeared to be discouraging.
The major recommendations to improve the primary education stress the need for continuous effort by
identifying the root causes of problems ,and actions to be taken in line with local conditions and situation; capacity
building programme at all levels; mobilization of the community and the different stakeholders, accountability for
non-delivery of services; building the institutional capacity; assigning the right people for high post, based on merits;
increasing negotiation capacity with donors, reinforcement of nducive working environments; offering moral and
material incentives for professionals commensurate with the high level of contribution, and setting clear educational
indicators at all levels.
Finally in-depth studies need to be conducted and effective solutions found to overcome the extensive and
intensive challenges.