The Influence Of Work Environment On Employee Performance: A Case Study On Abay Insurance Share Company
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Addis Ababa University
This research was conducted to assess the influence of work environment on employee performance Abay Insurance Share Company. Employees’ performance level depends on the factors of workplace environment which are psychosocial environment, physical environment and work life balance adapted from (Gitahi, Waiganjo and Koima, 2015), (Allen, 2001) and (Babin and Boles,1998). A total of 156 questionnaires were distributed to all Abay Insurance Share Company employee to assess the influence of work environment on AIC employee performance and 149 questionnaires were returned and usable for a comprehensive empirical analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to find mean score and to test hypothesis and to investigate research problem, objectives and questions. From the descriptive result it found that the work extracurricular activity, furniture, noise and supervisory found to be somewhat conducive for the employee others are not conducive or good working environment. From the correlation analysis it was found that all working environment variables correlated with employee performance. From the regression analysis done, it has been found that working environment variables have positive association with employee performance. To determine the relative importance of the work environment variables the regression analysis has also revealed that work life balance variables has been found to be the most important variable in affecting employee performance followed by physical and psychosocial working environment variables. Therefore, AIC should try to make every effort to prioritize the important variable while creating conducive working environment to improve the performance of its employee
Performance, Physical environment, psychosocial environment