Adolescents with Hearing Impairment and Hiv/Aids: Their Awareness and Sexual Behavior
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Addis Ababa University
'Ihe ohjectivc o( this stlld), ll'!lS to assess t!Je ICI'eI o( (/lI'!lrcl7ess stlldents IFith hearillg
illlpairment and their sexual behavior in relation to HI VIA IDS To achieve this goal qualitative
and quantitative method oj analysis were used Minilik II secondwy school was selected
because there are students with hearing impairment at secondary school level. Purposeful
sampling was the method used to select students. Accordingly, all (48) students with hearing
impairmel7l were participated in the study. From the participant oJ the study, 23(47. 92%) are
Jemale and 25(52.08%) oJthem are male. Questionnaire and interview were used as a means
oj data collection. Questionnaire was prepared Jar students with hearing impairment.
Interview was conducted with some selected club representatives, school guidance and
counselors, students with hearing impairment, and people who are working with individuals
with hearing impairment in a VCT centers.
The result oJ the study indicates that, almost all students with hearing impairment have
adequate HIVIAIDS knowledge. Regarding their sexual behavior about 70% oJthe participants
have a sexual behavior which is healthy that is abstinence. Eventhough, about 30% oJ the
participants oJ the study had experienced sexual intercourse and oj which most oJ them
involved in a risky sexual activity which may expose them to HIV infection.
According to the findings oJ the study, the main sources oj HIVIA IDS knowledge Jor students
with hearing impairment are Jriends, television, printed materials and peer educators. The
main strategy used to teach students with hearing impairmel7l are drama and theatre, peer
education, panel discussion, television, captionedfilms, and teaching using sign language.
With regard to gender difference in the level oj awareness about HIVIA lDS, this study Jound
out that there is no significant difference between male and Jemale students with hearing
impairmel7l in their level oj HIVIAIDS awareness.
Finally, the result oJ this study indicates that there is no significant relationship between the
awareness and the sexual behavior oj students with hearing impairmel7l.
and Hiv/Aids: Their Awareness