Phenotypic, Biochemical and Molecular Diversity of Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Genotypes in Ethiopia

dc.contributor.advisorFeyisa, Tileye (Professor)
dc.contributor.advisorDagne, Kifle (Professor)
dc.contributor.authorTiruneh, Abebe
dc.description.abstractHexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important food cereals worldwide. World population is set to increase by 2.6 billion in 2050. Ethiopia is one of the countries expected for an increase in food production. Few studies were on genetic diversity and in adequate evaluation of bread wheat genotypes. The objective of the project was to study genetic diversity of bread wheat genotypes using phenotypic, SSRs, good baking quality, seed storage protein performance across environments. For phenotypic genetic diversity study, 121 bread wheat genotypes, arranged in 11x11 simple lattice design, at 3 locations of Ethiopia using 11 parameters were studied; there were highly significant difference among the genotypes in all traits at individual locations. Abola (9.77), Menze (9.69) and ETBW6696 (9.36) at Adet, Tusie (9.95), ETBW6845 (9.93) and ETBW6696 (9.90) at Debre Tabor and ETBW6114 (9.99), ETBW6212 (9.96) and TBW7693 (9.92) at Kulumsa were the best performing for grain yield in tons/ha. Bread making quality of 121 bread wheat genotypes was assessed based on grain quality characteristics using seven parameters by NIRS analysis, and flour quality of fifty bread wheat genotypes based on SDS PAGE electrophoresis banding patterns. All characteristics of grain quality showed significant differences, higher PCV than GCV values, high heritability (>80%) in all genotypes; hence, selection could be effective for different quality characters or for inclusion in crossing program or creating variability in bread wheat genotypes. According to the results of flour SDS PAGE analysis, maximum bands (8) revealed by genotypes 8, 9, 13, 18, 46 & 48 and minimum (1) by genotype 34 using gliadin markers. Maximum bands (4) revealed by genotypes 3, 18, 26 & xvi 46 and none band by genotype 4 using HMW GS markers. Maximum bands (4) revealed in the genotypes 10, 30, 37, 41, 43 & 48 and none band revealed in genotypes 17 &18 using LMW GS markers. Hence, flour containing large number of bands revealed by gliadin and glutenin (HMW- and LMW-GS) markers is generally of better quality than low contents for the preparation of bread. Seed storage protein diversity of fifty selected bread wheat genotypes using SDS PAGE based on MAF and PIC values were evaluated; the mean value of MAF was highest at Adet followed by Kulumsa and lowest at Debre Tabor and the mean value of PIC was highest at Debre Tabor followed by Kulumsa and lowest at Adet for gliadin and glutenin (HMW- and LMW GS) loci. There was no environmental fluctuation for both quality and seed storage protein; hence, the composition of quality and seed storage protein traits are more dependent on genotypic than environmental factors. SSR marker analysis of 96 genotypes showed highly informative percentage of polymorphic loci, an effective number of alleles and mean expected heterozygosity, and Shannon’s information index. Nei’s gene diversity among the groups showed a medium degree of variation. AMOVA showed allelic diversity to individual genotypes but not among groups, indicates there was no sharp distinct clusters among the groups which attributed to gene flow and the reproductive biology of the crop. This research is of great interest and is in line with the current National Wheat Program. It will contribute to the increasing of food security, improve productivity and profitability of wheat farming and sustain natural resources in Ethiopia.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectGenetic diversityen_US
dc.subjectTriticum Aestivum Len_US
dc.titlePhenotypic, Biochemical and Molecular Diversity of Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Genotypes in Ethiopiaen_US


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