The Challenges and Opportunities Non-Formal Basic Education Program Implementation in South Eastern Zone of Tigray Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The pwpose of this study was to identify and analyze the major challenges and
opportunities in implementing NFBE program in South Eastern Zone ofTigray Regional
State. A descriptive survey research method was employed for the purpose. Ten NFBE
centers ji'om two weredas (Enderta and Degua Tembien) were selected as subjets of the
studyA total of 128 respondents, 60 adult learners,30 facilitators, 5 supervisors, 8 Tabia
managers, 2 sector heads, 2 education experts, 20 non-participant adults,l education
office head, participated as source of data. Pwposive, accidental, random and
availability sdmpling were used as sampling techniques. The data were gathered by
means of ji'om document analysis, observation, questionnire and interviews. In analyzing
the data percentage, mean and rank order were used. The findings of the study indicates
the existence of both opportunities and challeng The involvement of adult learners in the
selecton of NFBE centers, deciding the schedule and ji'equent exercise of learner
centered approach were found to be major opportunity of the program. The identified
problems were lack of community parficipation in preparing a plan and selection of
facilitators, the absence of training and paymel1l for jhcilitators, inadllqllacy oj
educational resources and facilities, low enrollmel1l rate, high dropout rate, poor
utilization of teaching aids, lack ofmonitiring and evalliatiol1. Hence, if can be conluded
that the NFBE program in South Eastern Zone of Tigray was highly
marginilized. Therefore, it is recommended that the 11'ereda education office sufficient
should provide aducate material and technical assistance to the centers. There must be
propel' monitoring and evaluafion of the over all activities of the centers with active
involvement of stakeholders. To ensure fhe sustainability of the program, fhe wereda
education office have to negotiatew with NCOs and local communities to support the
program with adequate financial resources.
Opportunities Non-Formal Basic Education Program Implementation