An Exploration of Factors Affecting the Learning of English Speaking Skills: With Particular Reference to Grade Nine Ginchi Secondary and Preparatory School
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of this study was to e:(plore the/actors affecting stl/dents; learning of English speaking skills
with particlliar reference [0 grade nine Ginchi Secandmy and preparatOlY School a/ west ShoG Zone, and
thereby (a forward recommendations/or the improvement althe problems. To this end, a descriptive survey of
quantitolive and qualitative data analysis method \Vas ell/ployed. The subjects q( the SfllC(Y included 100
SlUe/ems and 5 teachers 0/ the target school. They were selected 1Ising stratiJied, purposive and simple
randolll sall/pling techniques.
The clala were gathered through questionnaires, interview and classroom observcllion. The quesliunnaires
were lIs~d 10 explore the currenl students ' partiCipation level and leachers ', s fllciel1ls '. classroom and
inslruclional material relllled constraints, wilh respect 10 Ihe learning of English speaking skil!::i. 711e
il1lerview and classroom ob~ervation supplemented the data obta ined through Ihe questionnaires. Statistical
tools sllch as numbers and percentages were lIsed to analyze the collecled dala.
1''l7e resull oflhe sludy revealed thai the curren/ level ofslUdems ' participalion in English speaking class of
the larget grade is 1mI', due 10 Ihe fa ct that classes were mostly leacher dominated. A ccording~)', it was/ollnd
that majorily of students were supposed 10 listen 10 their teachers' talks rather than actively involved in
various classroom speaking activities. Besides, the main faCIal'S influencing the learning oj English speaking
skills in Ihe target grade level were found 10 he (he problems related 10 teachers, sludems, classroom and
instructional materials. The finding indicated /he exis/ence of problems rela/cd to reachers, s llch as beliefs
abolll language teaching, leaching melhodology, inability fa provide classroom oral activilies, teachers '
proficiency, their testing system, way of error cor/'eclion anc/failure to lise teaching aids in speaking classes.
The finding also revealed Ihe problem relllled 10 sill e/ems, like beliefs abolli language learning, lack of
conjidence, poor speaking background, jrequel1f lise of mother longue. lack q/vvc(lbulcu)" lack ajpractice
and low participation. The stuc0' also indicated the problem related with classroom and instrllctional
materials /ike large number of students in a class, unsuitability of seating arrangements for pair and group
work one/ lack of access to teaching aids.
Finally, on the basis of the findings, it was recommended that in order 10 improve students ' participation.
above all, slue/ents have to praclice spepking in the target language by parlicipGling actively in pair or group
and individual activities in {he classroom. To this end, leachers also alight to play prominent role. That is.'
they should use modern melhodologies which give 1'00111 jor students ' aClive participmion. On (h e olher hand,
to promote students' learning of English speaking skills, both English teachers and sflldents have to play Iheir
appropriate roles il1 doing against problems that hindered s flIdents' learning of English speaking skills.
Besides, the concerned bodies need 10 deal with the problelll of large class size and instrllctionalmaterials
related/actors to alleviate the problem.
English Speaking Skills