Parental Satisfaction Concerning Their Child’s Hospital Care and Associated Factors in Black Lion Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015
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Addis Ababa University
Introduction :In recent years, the scope of patients’/parents’ participation in the evaluation of
healthcare services has been broadened because patients’ /parents experiences and satisfaction are
considered to be vital components in the evaluation of healthcare interventions, as well as in
assessing the quality of care. Parents’ satisfaction with health care is associated with an
improvement in their child’s health or with a reduction of symptoms, including adherence to the
therapeutic regimen and understanding medical information. Parent participation in care has also
become the new catchphrase in many pediatric health care facilities. In the hospital setting, parent
participation refers to act of parents being involved in their child’s care to the degree that they
desire. In addition effective communication is also paramount between parents of sick children
and the direct care providers. Parents need to participate in decision making regarding their
baby’s well being. They value open and honest communication.
Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the level of satisfaction and identify factors
influencing parents’ satisfaction with the health care service delivered at Black lion specialized
hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015
Methodology: An institutional based cross sectional study was conducted among parents of
hospitalized children in Black lion specialized hospital with systematic random sampling
technique to fulfill the main objective of this study. Data was collected by using interviewer -
administered structured questionnaire. Then the collected data was entered and cleaned using Epi
data 3.1 versions and then exported & analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science
(SPSS) version 21. And descriptive analysis like frequency and mean were used to present
results. To determine association between nominal variables such as socio-demographic variables
and parents’ level of satisfaction bivariate and multiple logistic regression were computed.
RESULT: - The overall proportion of parental satisfaction of admitted children was found to be
59.8%. Majority of the respondents (73.2%) rated the communication as high among the
subscales while physical environment aspect and Parental participation were rated the least
(53.6%, 58.9%) respectively. The regression analysis shows that the adequacy of care, adequacy
of pain management, duration of hospital stay and all the indices were predictors of the overall
satisfaction score (p<0.05).
Conclusion and recommendation: Even though greater percentages of parents (59.8%) were
satisfied concerning pediatric inpatient care, the level of satisfaction was lower compared to other
studies and it was strongly stressed that there is a great need for clinical practices regarding parental
involvement to be established in order to optimize the hospital care of ill children
Key words: parental satisfaction, quality of care, patient care
Parental satisfaction, Quality of care, Patient care