An Assessment of Training Provided By Technical Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Oromia Region

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Addis Ababa Univerisity


The purpose of this study was to assess some major factors that affect the trainings provided by TVET institutions in Oromia Region, and there by suggest possible remedies for the improvement of the training. The study focuses on assessing whether or not the new TVET training was based on adequate need assessment and pilot tested before large-scale implementation. Moreover, some major factors that affect the quality, relevance and effectiveness of training were also assessed. To this end availability of competent manpower, adequate budget and material supply, adequate facilities, work relationships of stakeholders, participation of stakeholders in TVET activities, Understanding of TVET objectives by relevant stakeholders and the extent of its achievement were the major areas of investigation. To this effect, descriptive survey method was employed. The sample training institutions were selected from four Oromia Zones; the Zones were East Shewa, West Shewa, East Hararghe and West Hararghe. The subjects of the study were 474 trainees, 92 trainers, 7 principals, 9 TVET experts, 4 zonal education and capacity building officials, 1 regional TVET Department Heads and 7 apprenticeship offering organization (Employers). Purposive, availability, stratified and simple random sampling technique was used to select the zones, Institutions and subjects of the study. Questionnaire, Interview, Observation, Checklist and Document Analysis were used to obtain the necessary data. Gathered data were analyzed by employing frequency count, percentage and weighted mean as an instrument of data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the new TVET training was not based on adequate need assessment result and not pilot tested before large-scale implementation. Even though an effort is being made to up grade TVET trainers, but under qualification of trainers remained as one of the major problems. Moreover, the training has suffered from the following constraints in the region: Shortage of budget and material supply. Weak labor market information system. Poor guidance and career counseling services. Lack of awareness and poor understanding of TVET objectives. In adequate facilities . . Weak participation of stakeholders. Weak relationship of institutions and employers. In light of these findings the following recommendation were forwarded: Before opening new or expanding the existing trainingfields thorough need assessment should be conducted at the institutional levels. The upgrading program of trainers should be expanded to include all trainers in need of up grading. TVET financing should be diversified and more autonomy of financial management should be given to the institutions. Awareness creation and guidance and career counseling service should be given due attention at all hierarchical levels of TVET system.



Technical Vocational Education
