Roles and Constraining factors of Women and Children affair’s for the advancement of gender mainstreaming and women empowerment: A case study of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city,Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


To ensure gender equality and women empowerment gender machineries at different levels are essential for coordinating and supporting mechanism. This gender machineries have instituted in the governmental and nongovernmental organization is for promoting gender equality, women empowerment, gender mainstreaming as well as to monitor the design and implementation of development endeavors. Theoretically argued that the success of this machineries highly depend up on existence of human and financial resources; availability of institutional support and strong coordination systems. Thus, unless enabling condition placing for gender machineries bringing gender equality could not be realized. Likewise other countries gender inequality is one of the socio economic challenges in Ethiopia result in poverty and underdevelopment. Cognizant to this fact, the Ethiopia government has established gender machineries fall tier of administration aimed to bring gender equality and women empowerment. Therefore, this study is attempted to assess roles and constraining factors of women and child affair’s machineries at grass root level at a case study of Nefas Silk sub city at Woreda three, five, nine and thirteen. To address this objective primary data collection particularly in depth interview and focus group discussion were used. Woreda three, five, nine and thirteen and Nifas Silk sub city women and children affairs office heads and experts were interviewed. Women association members and other women residents have been participated as source of population in the focus group discussion. Data obtained through focus group discussion and interviews was analyzed concurrently per the thematic areas. The finding shows that although progress there according to key informant interviewee and focus groups discussant women and children affairs constraining by various factors such as lack of budget and financial resource, lack of qualified personnel and employee turnover, poor coordination with other office and nongovernmental organization. Furthermore, the finding of the study confirmed that to facilitate or promote gender mainstreaming and women empowerment women and children office do not established strong coordination mechanism supporting with strategic and operational plan of action. In nutshell, unless women and children office at grass root level are not supporting with strong coordination platform, working manual /guideline, technical personnel and adequate budget etc bringing gender equality and women empowerment could not be realized. Therefore, women and children office to be effective demanded comprehensive and holistic intervention by concerned bodies.



