The Implementation of Business Education Program in Selected Government Technical and vocational Education and Training Institutions in southern Nation, Nationalities, people, Region

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this s tudy was to assess the Imple m e ntation of Bus iness Eduwti on Program in Selected Govemment Technical and vocational Education and 'Training Institutions in south Nation, Nationalities, people, Region. The sample institutions selected for this study w e re Awasa, Butajera, ' Ho sana and .Sodo. Within these inst:itutions, the s ubject of the study was 4 principals and 33 te ache rs 195 stude nts 4 vocational Guidance and counselors. Accordingly, the respondent sampling was carried out through availability and randomly sampling techniques. Availability sampling was employed for De an(Principals ), Vocal.ional Gu idan.ce and Counselors and teachers because their numbe r was low. Randomly samp ling wa" used for students because of their high numbe r. "Information was obtained u s ing questionnaires, intervie w, observ a ti on. and documents. Co l/ eded data w e re analyzed by employing frequency count, percentage and mean diffe re<tce instrume nt of data analysis . The finding s of s tudy indicc.ted that the trainers w e re not motivated by the institutions and there was Hnder q u a lification of traine rs because there were diploma holde rs in the insriiUl.iDn.s. A.cco rding to the Education and Training Policy the minimum (,;Cl,!i r e m e flt of th.e qualification of the trainers was first degree. Regarding oPl'l entices hi/J training, the imin ees were not getting actua l world of w ork ."~"f.ldicc c,deL}1.>.Cltel:lJ because trainees we re co nsidered to lack responsibilities in hw:diing e Cj U!pm. ents und oJJic e m.ate1ial s such as computers. Regarding the F")lJi s ion of trai n mg m oter-i als rmd e quipment was inadequate. The re was poor l!!i/i",n.tiOll of budoet .. !'lc/C of trainer's participation in curriculum design and "Ii C/ llIo.tio11 , pou Y:J.idc ,lce w,ld counseling service weak relationship between i"s;ili.tLions cmel apprenticeship providing organizations, weak participation of ."! uke holclers Th.ereIor ', based on the finding of the s tudy some possibl e ~; lI!Jge.s tiolls wer'e for uarded. The TVET institutions should create dose re lotio.'l Dhip with apprC'ntices hip providing organizations Lind during the p e riod of opprenticeship program equipment and materials used should be gi ven for apprenLice wit h adequate instruction to use it properly and Purchasing tra ining materials s h ould be done prior to the training time . All th.e concc med s takeho lders ShO llld be involved in d esigning, revis ing a:-:.d evalu ation of currirulum implementation . Tile MoE must in vite s takeh olders . To bring q7.lality tmining and to acilieve the goals of TVET progrwn. the teachers h a ve to go thro1lgh p e Llaqogic Q,l tra inin g . Tu this e ffect, instead of direcily JOIning teaching a{ie l gr(l(hl. atiO/~ j i mn. u nive rsities he/s he has to be g iven Cl short tenll training Ullci onĀ·elll.utiol! . Regard ing Voca tiona l Gllidance and COUilDeiors, adequate numbe r and professionally co mpetent vocational guid ance and cO?.mse lors s h ould be assigned.



Business Education Program
