A Comparative Study on the Implementation of Government and Nongovernment Non Formal Basic Education Programs in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


The study investigates the implementation of government and nongovernment nonforamal basic education programs in Addis Ababa in the comparative manner. Different variables were treated to meet the objective of the study. These include the curri culum ofNFBE program, the facilitators status, the teaching-learning process of NFBE programs, the facili ties and budget of NFBE program, the efficiency of the NFBE program, and the community participation towards NFBE program. The research design incorporates com'parative methods of different cases, as it is appropriate to compare the two nonformal b~sic education providers based on the stated variabl es. The sample of the study included four nongovernment organizations and four sub city education departments in Addis Ababa. The data were collected through questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, observation and document analysis. Statistical technique such as percentages, and in some cases chi-square and T -test were used to analysis the data. Findings suggest that the objective of both NGOs and government NFBE programs is to provide basic education for school age children ,:vho can or do not get the access to attend the formal sector due to many reasons. This can be realized through the provision of organized NFBE curriculum materials. However, Government of Addis Ababa City Administration did not have organized nonformal basic education curriculum specifically developed for school age children. In this respect, children in government NFBE program learn the teaching materials developed for adults. On the other hand, each NGO implements the curriculum materials developed by themselves. Concerning the status of facilitators, the majority of them are grade 12 completes and took less than 15 days pre service training before ,they were assigned to' the actual work, As such training does not guarantee them to run the program effectively, there is a demand to offer co ntinuous inservice training However, government NFBE facilitators did not have the chance to on the job training, while NGO ~ NFBE facilitators have quarterly in service training for five days to improve their skills, knowledge and attitudes. Finding also indicates that NGOs NFBE program is taken place in Kebele compound and learning centers established for the program. In this respect, the Kebele hall was not suitable for the teaching- learning proces, and government NFBE centers are in a better position. Moreover, both NGOs and government NFBE program have allocated budget but not adequate for improving the program. In this case, NGOs' budget is better as they pay salary and provide in service training for facilitators, while government offers small amount of money for transport allowance and does not conduct inservice training for facilitators As far as the efficiency of NFBE program, the drop out and repetition rate of government NFBE program is higher than that of NGOs NFBE program. The observed result also indicates, although the involvement of local communities in both NFBE programs is low, their participation in NGOs is relatively higher than that of gpvermpent as the community's representatives involve in the management commiltee of non formal education program. Finally, developing standardized and organized 'NFBE ยท curriculum for' school age children or state minimum essential learning needs for each level of NFBE program that is equivalent to the fir st cycle of primary education, facilitate inservice training for facilitators, strengthen partnership and work in collaboration among NGOs, government and community, allocate reasonable budget and pay due attention for the program were the major recommendations forwarded in order to improve nonformal basic education program , and give better services for children attending the program.



Non Formal Basic Education, and Nongovernment
