Assess the Influence of Children’s Labor on their Participation in Education at Bochesa Elementary School in Adami Tulu Jido Combolcha Woreda in East Shewa.

dc.contributor.advisorAchaw, Tilahun(PhD
dc.contributor.authorTesfaye, Amanuel
dc.description.abstractThe study at over all estimated that about 1 in 3 children aged 5-14 years in sub-Saharan Africa are employed compared with Central and Eastern Europe/Common wealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) regions. Where only 1 out of 20 children is employed, In absolute terms, 69 million children in sub-Saharan Africa, or 35% of the child population, are engaged in child labor (ILO, 2006). This statistic leaves sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia, the most dominant in terms of widespread child labor. This study was conducted in East shawa districts of Adami Tulu Jido Combolcha Woreda. Specifically, the study was carried out with the following objectives: To examine the impact of lack of time on primary education access and participation, to determine the impact of low school attendance on access and participate in primary education activities carried out by school-age children regarding access to and participation in primary education. The study used purposive sampling and snowball techniques, with the participation of 60 respondents. Both techniques are practical due to the nature of the research. Child labor has been found to have a huge impact on school-going students because it deprives children of their right to access and participate in primary education. Research shows that low school attendance and absenteeism are the main influeances of child labor on children's access to and participation in primary education, as they affect children's learning outcomes. In addition, the study found that most laws relating to child education have loopholes, enabling another 4,444 acts of child labor in Ethiopia. It is therefore imperative that governments and all other responsible agencies ensure that policies and legislation address child labor issues and, in particular, children's participation in school worksen_US
dc.subjectChild labor, influences and participationsen_US
dc.titleAssess the Influence of Children’s Labor on their Participation in Education at Bochesa Elementary School in Adami Tulu Jido Combolcha Woreda in East Shewa.en_US


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